I am a firm believer in stopping to smell the roses and appreciating the little things in life, cliched? yes, but certainly true. Life has a way of dragging us down sometimes and I'm a self confessed wallower, at these times I try and pick myself up and focus on the little things that make me happy because I really do have plenty to be grateful for. In no particular order this is a few little things I've been grateful for recently:
1. Bunnies, I love the fact that over Easter everyone gets as bunny mad as I am normally and the shops are suddenly filled with everything bunny related. (Please don't get live bunnies for Easter tho, they are a high maintenance pet that with proper care can live up to 10 years, definitely a long term commitment not something for a few weeks!)
2. More bunnies! I'm loving the newest furry members of my family Mulder and Scully:
Mulder the tri-coloured mini lop and Scully the grey Dutch
3. Car servicing in the Barossa Valley. By locking my car service needs into the Barossa Service Centre I have bought myself a few relaxed mornings wandering around Tanunda. My favourite places for a spot of tea and a bite to eat are
Nosh and
The Mac Shac. Nosh is a great little place for breakfast, lunch or even just a cup of tea or coffee and cake while The Mac Shac offers a wide selection of macarons (who can ever say no!) as well as a wide range of different tea and coffee varieties. It truely was love at first bite (and sip!)
Generous pot of tea for one - at Nosh Barossa |
Seasonal fruit and yogurt - at Nosh Barossa |
My friend, Mark, was feeling much hungrier than me and ordered eggs and bacon with plenty on extras - at Nosh Barossa |
Best macarons I've had in a while - at The Mac Shac |
Speciality mango and chilli tea - at The Mac Shac |
4. Being back at Adelaide Oval for the Football, our new seats are much better than last year and I'm excited for the season!
5. The amazing support from all my wonderful friends! Be it making time for brunch despite a busy schedule, sending me cute photos of bunnies on Instagram, inviting me to stay when I need to, helping build a cage for my bunnies or just being available if I need to talk (and not pressuring me when I inevitably shut up like clam!) you know who you are and I hope you know how much you are all appreciated :)
If you've made it this far, thanks for reading! What are you feeling grateful for today?
A xx