Tuesday, 27 September 2016

6 tips for staying sane in a temporary living situation


Right now I'm living in a little rental house, I've been here just shy of 12 months. I moved into this place from a reasonably large old house that I owned and I know that eventually I will be buying another house and moving into another big old home. In the mean time, while I wait for life's complications to be worked out, I'm stuck here in a temporary home that is far too small for my lifestyle. I know just how frustrating it can be so I've got a few tips to share with you today that I've found have helped me when I've been feeling down. 

  1. Consider storage: The house I lived in prior to this one was much larger and the eventual aim is to move back into a large house again. Many temporary living situations involve downsizing or sharing a space and you have to cram a whole life into half the original size. Consider storing some of your things, a storage unit can keep things off site or, if money is tight, consider storing some things in plastic containers in a shed. It can also save space to keep some things in boxes and store them under beds or on top of wardrobes - the main thing is that trying to unpack everything into a smaller space can be a recipe for disaster and just make the space unliveable.
  2. Make things work for now: Living in a temporary home it can feel like your life is standing still and you just want to push forward with any or all plans possible. I know, I've been there, but sometimes it's just not viable. Try and plan for now - there might not be much point going through and making huge plans for home decor if you plan to leave in 12 months or planning extravagant dinner parties when your dining room only sits 4. Yes, it's frustrating having to put your life on hold but it's better to plan around what works for your situation, for example planning a nice dinner out rather than inviting everyone into a place that's cramped can ultimately reduce your stress rather than adding to it.
  3. Improve the things you can: This might seem like a contradiction of the previous point but actually they compliment each other. While you can't change the big things you might be able to make a few little changes that are cheap, easy and make your life easier! That could mean something as simple as rearranging a room, buying storage solutions for your pantry or carving out a small corner of a room for yourself - the little things can make a huge difference to your mental health. Extra points if you can do with things you know you will have use for when you leave!
  4. Don't completely abandon decor: While it might be tempting to keep the decor packed away to free up space for the things you actually use it can be a mistake. You don't want to clutter your space with too much but keeping out a few things that you love and make you happy can be enough to lift your spirits. If in doubt add fresh flowers or greenery for an instant lift.
  5. Try and get out and have fun: If, like me, the reasons for your temporary shift in accomodation are financial, this can be difficult but sometimes you just need to get out, get some fresh air and have a bit of distance from the situation. Try a walk in a nice park, catching up with friends or a trip to the local library/cafe for some cheap you time.
  6. Remember it's temporary: This one can be really hard, particularly if you have no set timeframe, you get driven to distraction wondering when you will ever get to move on to your 'real life'... but it is temporary, in the darkest moments just stop and thing about where your headed and that this is just a stepping stone. 

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